If You Have a Cervix, This Could Save Your Life
Cervical cancer is the easiest preventable female cancer. Learn when you should be screened, what is a screening, how often you should have a Pap, if the HPV vaccine prevents against cervical cancer, what puts you at increased risk and natural prevention tips.

New Year’s Ask: Are You Up To Date?
Preventative health screenings (breast cancer, colon cancer, cervical cancer) are VITAL to your physical well-being and ability to live a long, healthy life.

How To Keep Your Breasts Cancer Free
Know your risk factors and how to prevent breast cancer. Breast cancer can be prevented by knowing your risk factors, performing self breast exams and getting annual mammograms.

What Is Naturopathic Integrative Cancer Treatment?
Naturopathic integrative cancer treatment provides patients with safe options for combining conventional cancer treatment with natural and supportive therapies. It is whole body, patient centered care that is safe and effective, from cancer diagnosis through cancer survivorship.